cPanel and WHM Control Panels

cPanel & Web Host Manager for Reseller Hosting

cPanel is the No.1 choice for web administration cPanel and Web Host Manager (WHM) is the number 1 choice for dedicated server & VPS web hosting administration. With tools to keep your server secure, provision customer accounts, transfer accounts from server to server, deploy applications (blogs, cms, etc) and much more.

cPanel & WHM

cPanel and WebHost Manager (WHM) are the perfect combination for a fully featured dedicated server and hosting control panel.cPanel and WHM Manage an unlimited number of domains per Server with cPanel with a fully featured domain owner interfaces.

cPanel hosting provides users with an easy to use and powerful set of tools that let you manage all the functions of your dedicated server quickly and easily.

cPanel & WHM Features

cPanel Accelerated 2
  1. Complete Server Administration Interface.
  2. Unlimited Domains per Server.
  3. Fully Brandable.
  4. Fully Featured Domain Owner Interface.
  5. Free Multi-Language Support.
  6. Separate Server Administrator, Reseller, and Domain Owner Interfaces.

Extra features for all cPanel dedicated server administrators include free multi-language support, free virus scanner and free game servers.

cPanel & WHM Demo

Demo of cPanel & WHMDemos of cPanel and Web Host Manager (WHM) are available to try. Please note that some features are disabled for security purposes. To see a product demo, click on the respective link below. (Links open up a new browser window)

Root and Reseller Administration Panel

WHM Demo

Domain Owner Panel

Domain Owner Panel Demo

Reseller Domain Panel

Reseller Domain Panel Demo