
Introducing Locked Area Lite

Umbrella Host is pleased to announce that in response to customer feedback we have added Locked Area Lite to the suite of scripts that can be installed from the Xtend control panel. Locked Area Lite is a sophisticated password protection and membership management system that gives your users access to a password protected members area. Locked Area Lite manages the users login details and allows the webmaster to email and manage users from a simple web interface.

Signup Features

  • Automated membership registration.
  • Inputs info into a member’s database and .htpasswd with encrypted passwords for increased security.
  • .htpasswd passwords are encrypted using DES randomised salt encryption for extra security.
  • Emails registrant with confirmation details once they’ve registered.
  • Additional form field for collecting extra information about your users.

Member Features

  1. Account modification facility.
  2. Account removal facility.
  3. Password changing facility.
  4. New password request facility.
  5. userdetails.cgi script that displays a users account details.
  6. Administration Features

  • List all users facility.
  • Account removal tool.
  • Create accounts facility.
  • Bulk email tool with member’s db data import.
  • Powerful member’s area statistics system.
  • All failed administration panel logins are logged.
  • All configuration is done via the administration panel.
  • Other Features

    1. Quick and free online support.
    2. Customisable headers and footers for all public parts of the script.
    3. HTML held in external text files.
    4. Separate headers and footers for administration section.
    5. All configuration is done within one simple file.
    6. Randomised DES password encryption for increased security.
    7. Passwords held in member’s database are encrypted for extra security.
    8. Easy customisation of fonts and colours.
    9. Notification facility for administrator so they know when a user removed themselves from the member’s area.
    10. Signup online/offline facility to allow the administrator to close the registration from and stop new signups.

    Locked Area Lite is included with all our web hosting packages, to place an order click here.

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