- A custom filetype isn't being recognised, how can I make sure it is?
- Accesses to all files result in '500 Internal Server Error' messages
- CGI scripts fail with 'exec format error'
- Database connections from ASP fail with 'Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server'.
- File Manager session expiry errors
- How to configure Mambo to handle 404 errors for search engine optimisation such as Google site maps?
- I am getting an Internal 500 error asking me to check the logs. How do I do this?
- I can login to FTP via my client, but I can't see a directory listing of my site files?
- I can't get SMTP working with my Actinic install. Why?
- I can't see the images on my website. Why?
- I have a script I got elsewhere which doesn't work. Can you help me?
- I keep getting the error - "FrontPage Extensions not Installed" when trying to publish my FrontPage site?
- I made some changes to my site, but when I view it still has the old pages, why is that?
- I need a specific PHP or Perl Module which isn't shown in the Web Diagnostics section of my eXtend Control Panel. Can this be added?
- I've created a cgi-bin inside my public_html folder, placed my script into it and yet it can't be found. Why?
- I've installed the formmail script, but my form isn't working. Why?
- I've put up my site but I still see the standard index page. What's up?
- I've uploaded a compiled CGI program why does it not run?
- I've uploaded files to File manager but cannot see them but they were recently visible. What's happened?
- I've uploaded my site on my hosting account but cannot see it?
- Is Coppermine protected from the sql insertion exploit?
- I’m having problems using the email facility when creating a form. Frontpage reports the email has been sent but nothing has been received.
- My CGI/ASP/PHP script is giving an error when trying to write to a file.
- My CGI/Perl scripts are failing with error 500 (Internal Server Error)
- My FrontPage search form no longer works
- My images aren't uploading into the Website Builder Plus, why?
- My links are not working. What is wrong?
- My script needs a higher memory allocation, how do I increase it?
- My script states that the MAX_JOIN_SIZE setting in MySQL set to low. How do I increase it?
- Possible issues with OSCommerce and MySQL5
- Scripts on my old server ran under permission 777 but I have so many files to alter. Is there an easy way of doing this?
- Spoofed Security update emails
- The images on my website have been corrupted, what went wrong?
- When I try and view my website I get an HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden message.
- Why am I getting a 550 error when trying to create folders in file manager?
- Why are my Shared Borders missing when I publish my FrontPage web?
- Why aren't my AWStats or Webalizer stats pages updating / working?
- Why do I get "you have no server extensions installed" when trying to publish with Frontpage?
- Why do I get a red (x) where my images are supposed to appear?
- Why do I get prompted for a network password when trying to connect to the server via FrontPage
- Why does Locked Area keep asking me for my username/password?
- Why does my PHP script fail with 'Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted'?
- Why does my script produce a 'file permissions error'?
- Why is my scheduled task (CRON job) not running?
- Why is my secure site not showing the padlock in the browser?
- Why is the update I made for my FrontPage form (ie. search form, contact form, etc.) or any other FrontPage component still not showing the change?